Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Night T.V. and Sunday Morning Work

Last night was a nice evening spent at home. We had our nephew, Willie, over for a while. Just to hang out. Kyleigh loved every minute he was over. She watched Spongebob with him, laughed at his funny faces, and kicked him if he took up to much space on the couch. Jonathan had a pretty good time as well.

This morning Kyleigh woke up and helped Jonathan lay down painters tape around the trim. She did such a wonderful job!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pickin' Strawberries, playing at the park, and much more...

Happy Mother's Day to all!. I had a very nice Mommy's Day. My car was cleaned spotless- inside an out. A very nice present for a mommy of young- uns. I also received a very lovely letter from my husband, a dozen roses from my youngest sister-in-law (who watches Kyleigh) and a good lunch at Longhorn's with the entire Herculean clan.

Yesterday, we went strawberry picking at a local U- pick farm. Kyleigh picked about 4 strawberries and then started eating all the other ones. Silly girl. It seem to take forever to fill up the 2 gallon buckets we had.

Last week, we went to the new park that opened up 4 minutes from our house. It has a playground designed for little ones! She went up and down the slide all by herself too many times to count. My little girl is getting too big for me!